I have some NEWS! Right now, you can join Plunder Design for $49 ($39 + $10 website fee). That is NOT a typo!

You get EVERYTHING you need to get started selling beautiful Plunder Design jewelry. Plunder Design is unlike any other direct sales company. With Plunder you are part of an amazing sisterhood. We support and encourage each other with motivation and positivity. Believe it or not, this makes ALL the difference.
Not to mention, Plunder Design sets itself apart from the other guys by offering an understandable and lucrative compensation plan, stylist incentives (you can earn cash, products, and more), and jewelry that is trendy, affordable, and high quality. Each Plunder Jewelry piece is uniquely designed.
Plunder makes it easy to sell by offering hostess opportunities, jewelry drops, and even a monthly jewelry subscription called Plunder Posse!
Best of all, YOU are in control! There are no minimum purchasing guidelines or required inventory you must adhere to. That means you decide if you want to make a lot or just some extra shopping cash!
We all know the perks of being your own boss, and now Plunder Design has made it incredibly easy to take that step and become a #BossBabe!
Contact me for more info or to take advantage of this incentive!
Want to see more products? Click here!
Thank You For Visiting,
Julie LaForte
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