Plunder Design Jewelry can offer you a life of Time and Financial Freedom!!

Plunder Design can help offer you a life you deserve!! VACATIONS LIE. Culture tells us to spend an entire year saving for a week to escape our life. We call it vacation. Vacations are meant to be new, they are meant to be fun, but they are not meant to be better than your normal life. Life isn’t about the 70 vacations you’ll take while you’re on this planet. It’s about the 30,000 days between them. Stop creating a life that you need a vacation from. Instead, move to where you want to live your life, do what you want to do, when you want to do it, start what you want to start, when you decide to start it , and create the life you want today…why wait until tomorrow? This isn’t rehearsal people. This is YOUR life. Why not make the BEST OF YOUR LIFE? LIVE LIFE ON YOUR TERMS!!!
The people who understand this…know that you can make a Fortune in many different ways, but if you have to sacrifice your health, family, relationships, time freedom, what is the point? You can afford lots of things, but where is the joy if there is no time or family and friends to enjoy them with? When is the last time you saw a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer behind it? My point is life is short so enjoy it while you can! Simply going to a job that only requires you clocking in 40 hours a week isn’t going to bring you true happiness.
The ultimate reason we got into the business is FREEDOM! The Freedom to really live a life of meaning, significance and on our terms. We have the Freedom to work where we want, when we want, and  how we want! We get to spend each and every day together. We are a Full Time Family. We thank God daily for this amazing opportunity!! To find out more about the Plunder Design Opportunity click here.

Thank You For Visiting,
Julie LaForte

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Julie LaForte

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