Why is it so important to build residual income? Do you have a job or business that supplies residual income? Is your job giving you the lifestyle you desire? Many jobs are not designed for your desired lifestyle. They are designed to give the owner of the business their desired lifestyle. At a job, you trade your time for money. The company will pay you just enough to get value out of you for a paycheck, a lot of times the employee will work just enough not to loose the job and what they believe is guaranteed income. When the employer finds someone who can do the job better, faster and for less pay, loyalty is out the door and your guaranteed income went out the same door. This is not a lifestyle that anyone should desire.
A lot of people are starting to realize that Network Marketing can provide residual income, which in return will provide a more desirable lifestyle. Working to earn a living is good, but building your own fortune thru network marketing is even better! When you build your own fortune this is what will provide you with time freedom. When you have control of your life you are able to live life on your terms.
The reason Network Marketing works is simple. The company wins because it gets it’s product out to the market. The customer wins because they get access to amazing products. The network marketer wins because the company pays unlimited earning potential thru residual income. The more value you deliver the more residual income you earn. You can start by finding a network marketing company that offers a product you love and use. When you believe in and love what you are sharing with others, it will not seem like selling to you or them. You can then leverage yourself into time and financial freedom by inviting others to build their own residual income part time along with you. The more people you share with and the more that join you and you help them build their residual income the higher your residual income will be. I am a firm believer that the more you help others reach their goals and get what they want it becomes easier to achieve your own personal goals.
Julie and John
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