Plunder Design Blinging Divas August 2017 Monthly Update

Plunder Design Blinging Divas August 2017 Monthly Update



Here is the Plunder Design Blinging Divas August 2017 Monthly Update! August is always busy with school starting back, sports and extra curricular activities and everyone getting back into the routine of things. The Blinging Divas had another great month and managed to still have amazing sales knowing we have a new catalog coming in September! I am so excited to see our Fall 2017 catalog, I know it is going to be the best yet!!!  We are growing by leaps and bounds and we are heading into our busiest time of the year! The Blinging Divas are going to do BIG THINGS!!! I can’t wait to see how many rank ups we have coming and how many new leaders that will promote!! Stay tuned to see what we accomplish in September!!


Here is what we achieved as a Team in August!!

Total Monthly Retail Sales- 1,290,959
Daily Average Sales- 41,644
Retail Sales on Last Day Alone were an astounding- 113,104
Daily Stylist Added Average- 5 per day
Total Stylist Added For The Month- 162
Which Brings Our Total Stylist Count to 8,310

Here is the SALES INCENTIVE WINNER for August

Allison Moreira


July Organization Sales Incentive Winner

Sara Converse


I want to give a HUGE Shout Out to all of the ladies in the Blinging Divas for working hard even in the summer months when it is easy to get distracted. Lots of goals were met and I want to congratulate you all for that!! Fall is right around the corner and we have LOTS of EXCITING things coming…can you say FALL CATALOG??? I love that we all work together and are accomplishing our dreams one day at a time!  I want to shout out to all of the AMAZING leaders that make up this powerhouse organization!!! None of this would be possible without every single one of us!!!  Stay Motivated, Stay Consistent, Great Things Coming Our Way!!


Julie and John

Thank You For Visiting,
Julie LaForte

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Julie LaForte

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